MNFI Information Depot

Here at MeeGo Network Finland we've had many events, tons of meetups (at least one per month in Tampere since September 2010, and almost as many in Helsinki :)), and lots of enthusiastic members with brilliant things to share. We've had demos, talks, presentations, hands-on, discussions... and much more. From these we are trying to gather the wealth of information that has been shared, in order to share them further, to those who are trying to remember some details from a presentation they heard, to those who missed an event and would like to watch the demo that was promised, and to those who aren't fortunate enough to live in Finland and want to see what they are missing ;)

The "Information Depot" will be established in our portal, and work is under way (albeit having a bit of manpower issues right now). So I've decided to set up a temporary one on my blog for the time being, to start gathering links so that when the official depot is ready, I can transfer everything over quickly. I'm still scouring through emails and meetup archives to find more stuff, and you can help! Please leave a comment if you find something that I have missed (especially those from Helsinki meetups!), or if you have taken photos/videos at our events and would like to share them. Check back from time to time for updates and news on when this info bank will be ready in the MNFI portal!


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