Bonnier; Hackday; and Raspberry Pi

I usually try not to combine too many topics in a blog post, but it's friday and sauna is calling.

If you are in Helsinki right now wondering what to do tonight and for the rest of the weekend, head to Aalto Venture Garage immediately for Bonnier Dev Camp! It has just started and will last through the weekend. The theme of the dev camp is to create female-friendly apps inspired by Bonnier Publications magazines. You don't have to be a woman to attend although I think there will be more females there than the usual tech events! Besides teams creating apps, there are also keynotes, talks and workshops on mobile development, UI design and digital media trends.

I was planning to attend the above event but due to several reasons I had to change my plans. However, that freed up my schedule to attend Open Hackday in Tampere tomorrow, organized by Devaamo and Tampere Hackerspace 5w! Info in English, and Finnish. The event starts at noon and will be in New Factory. Highlights include installing Nemo on N950/N9s, and setting up OBS just to see how it works. If these topics tickle your fancy, feel free to join us!

Lastly, Nokia is funding a device program giving away Raspberry Pis to qualified Qt developers. Hope we'll be able to have some by our next hackday :) Liz also gave a shout-out to team Tampere in her blog post about the program. W00t!

Have a happy hacky weekend!


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