MeeGo Network Finland: Moving On

I will continue this MeeGo Bunny blog for the foreseeable future, reporting and commenting on MeeGo/N9/N950 development, Devaamo events and TMNT activites etc.
(the rest reproduced from
At the last community meeting, we have decided to ramp down the activites under MeeGo Network Finland.
To quote Jukka Eklund, we are not ending anything but moving on to better things.
So, what shall we move on to? Depending on your interests, you are encouraged to join one or more of the following communities:
Afaik, the Helsinki MeeGo Network has not formed any new group. They are currently still using for their network until further notice. You can follow the discussions there to see what they are doing and moving on to.
Portal: this portal will be kept online for the time being. However new user registration and new content creation will not be available. Some limited functionalities will be kept, e.g. LDP
LDP: The Helsinki LDP is now hosted with Helsinki Institute for Information Technology.Tampere LDP will be with Tampere Mobile Ninja Techies. We will be moving the device request/loan system to Devaamo's site soon, but please use the given links in the meantime.
Social Media and other channels: Twitter/FB/LinkedIn/mailing lists etc.. they will not be updated (probably after posting this announcement). Feel free to check out the communities listed above and participate in their social presence/mailing lists/irc channels.
Community meetings: there will be no more MNFI IRC meetings. Again, please join the groups you are interested in and their meetings if available.
Thanks to everyone who has made MeeGo Network Finland such a wonderful community. See you around in one network or other, at some event, on IRC, etc.
"Five-card stud, nothing wild. And the sky's the limit."


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