Colourful Christmas part 2: Devaamo Pikkujoulut

I'm on a quest to make my Christmas more colourful in different ways. Last Friday we had our Devaamo General Assembly and Pikkujoulut. I actually failed to wear enough colours (I blame my flu and headache for not letting me think properly)... I mean I did dress up, but in black, grey and silver :P Fortunately our wonderful Devaamo members knew better and brought lots of colours to the evening, and I was happy to capture all of that with my camera. Here's the brilliantly red trio who are also in the Devaamo board for 2012:

L-R: Juha, Saija and Jukka

Rest of the photos from the evening here. And speaking of the Devaamo board, I have been elected to chair it for the coming year. Thank you all for your confidence and support! Have a merry, colourful Christmas :)


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