Colourful Christmas part 3: multi-OS family

Ok here's the last installment of Carol "Cybette" Chen's Colourful Christmas Craze. After this I'll leave you alone to your peaceful Christmas weekend ;)

One of my projects last week was to revive my ExoPC so I'd have a "new" device to play with (sort of a Christmas consolation gift). After testing several OS combinations (including Windows 8 preview), I ended up with a dual-boot of Ubuntu Oneiric and MeeGo with Plasma Active Two. While PA2 is designed to be more touch-friendly, it's still rough around the edges and maybe takes some getting used to before I can switch to it full time. On the other hand, the Unity UX lends itself quite usable on a tablet, even if it's not necessarily optimized for touch devices. With Onboard virtual keyboard and chromeTouch browser extension, I could unplug the USB keyboard and use it for stretches of time (as long as not too much typing is involved). Perhaps the more mature underlying OS has something to do with it as well.

Looking at the current range of devices I'm using, they are truly colourful and multiracial (in OS terms). And they manage to get along (with the help of samba, synergy, VNC, splashtop, dropbox etc.). Family picture time!

Clockwise from top left: ExoPC running MeeGo+PA2, HP touchsmart tm2 running Win7, Lenovo S10-2 running Ubuntu Lucid LTS, Nokia N950 running MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan, iPad2 running iOS.

It's no secret that my favorite colour is purple. Since (good) purple devices are quite hard to come by, I try to supplement with purple cases and covers. Those without purple covers are given the sticker treatment, as shown here (same devices as above) --

I'll have to admit one of the main reasons I chose the Lenovo netbook over other brands was the purple cover design. That, plus I had 2 other (boring black) Lenovo notebooks at the time and liked the brand. Btw the pics in this post are taken with a purple Canon SX220 :)

Need to wrap this up and start packing for my Christmas trip to London! Crossing my fingers for clear blue sky with bright yellow fireball up in the sky...


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