Open Hackday Tampere

About 20 of us attended the event, hacking from software to hardware, Qt to 3D, flashing Nemo to augmented reality.

Click for more pics from hackday
The above is Timo (@timorph) ja Sampo (@samp0s) building an audio spectrogram (1 frequency range per N900).

Following is something which Timo (@saunabad) worked on that day using Qt, OpenGL, OpenCV and NyARToolkit:

As for me, I was planning to try some Qt on QNX. However, after our Devaamo Summit planning meeting I decided to focus on getting the summit site up. Now, I'm no web developer, even though I wrote my first html page back in 1994 and have dabbled in CSS and Javascript. So don't expect anything fancy, but here it is:

More info and details will be coming, and the site will probably be Wordpressed. Bookmark the site and mark your calendars!


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