Devaamo summit: CfP (3 more days!), Registration and more

If you have been following me on the interwebs, you'd have inevitably heard about Devaamo Summit 2012, the major event we're having in June about developing with open technologies.

Would you like to speak/present at the summit? Our Call for Presentations is still open until 24th April. Type up your proposal before you head out for the weekend (yes, yes, I know Hullut Päivät is calling for those of you in Finland, but there's still tomorrow!).

Whether you're speaking or attending the event, kindly register here so we can anticipate who are coming and make adequate preparations. Thanks!

On a personal note, I'd really like to see my good friend Randall Arnold here for the summit in June. Our budget will probably not be able to accommodate travel support for him (from the US) so we're crowdsourcing funds for his trip. Contribute by chipping in, spreading the word etc. Every little bit helps! Let's show the strength of a supportive and cohesive community.

See you at Devaamo Summit 2012!


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